
Thai Union
Darian McBain, Global Director of Sustainability
“Thai Union worked with the team at CS&A for the global rollout of crisis management and communications training. It was a very large undertaking, across multiple countries and with many team members. Their professionalism and experience really shone through. When a crisis did hit, our teams were well prepared thanks to CS&A’s training”.
Gwendoline Ornigg, Senior Director Communication
“CS&A has for many years facilitated customized crisis, message development, media and presentation skills training for Cargill’s European businesses. Caroline Sapriel’s capability to understand, interpret and adjust real time to the specific needs of the audience has been invaluable. These training sessions, from Plant Supervisors to Senior Executives, have equipped them with confidence and the appropriate tone to communicate authentically and effectively".
L'Occitane Group
"CS&A’s deep knowledge in the field of crisis management and communication is unrivalled. Having such a reliable, expert partner at our side to support us in times of need, is an invaluable asset for L’Occitane. Being able to move quickly, providing customised counsel across Europe, Asia and the U.S. is what we value most at CS&A."
"CS&A is grounded in sound and proven crisis management concepts that built capability and also provided memorable fundamentals based on their subject matter expertise that made the learning more accessible & retainable. We have lived the training through many crises and appreciate CS&A for providing a foundation for effective response."
Shell International
John de Beus, Surface Surveillance and PSO Manager
"I first worked with CS&A, while going through the review and renovation of Shell Venezuela’s EP Crisis Management Framework, in early 2002. During this time Caroline, Dirk and their staff applied a very structured approach to test the system under review, identify gaps and recommend area’s for improvement. The entire review, renovation, training and testing period took some 8 months, during which time Caroline and Dirk managed to draw on and integrate the wide experience base of their team in area’s of emergency management, crisis communication, process management and soft people skills. I experienced the CS&A team members as dedicated, focused and disciplined professionals, who all made significant contributions to the improved Crisis Management System of Shell Venezuela EP".
StarBev Group
Anton Karlov Group Crisis Management Coordinator and Legal & Corporate Affairs Director, Kamenitza AD
"Crisis management preparedness and response have become even more essential for every business in today’s world of increased range of treats and wider scope of stakeholders. For the StarBev group of companies which is now operating in the fast changing enviroments of the emerging markets of Eastern and Southeastern Europe this is even more valid. That is why we are very glad to have chosen CS&A to conduct crisis management trainings and simulations in all StarBev countries. CS&A not only has a very good knowledge of the beer industry and its related business processes but it also constantly updates its programs to address and prepare clients for new challenges. CS&A’s ability to adjust the agenda to the particular social, cultural, regulatory and media environment makes their involvement even more valuable to us".
Swire Pacific Offshore
Neil Glenn, Managing Director
"CS&A is a strategic partner of Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO) in the development and update of our emergency and crisis procedures, training and conduct of crisis exercises in key worldwide locations of our business. Over the years, CS&A has also worked with various Swire companies to develop and review aspects of their crisis procedures to meet their changing business needs. We value their professionalism and customised approach in providing expert advice in this area of specialisation so that we can enhance SPO’s overall crisis preparedness and response capability".
University of Maryland
Jonathan Wilkenfeld Professor and Director, Center for International Development and Conflict Management
"The CS&A team, dynamically led by Sapriel and Lenaerts, excels in covering every detail involved in the preparation for, delivery of, and debriefing from complex training and simulation exercises that focus on crisis and risk decision making. Their unique expertise makes them the go-to shop for complex negotiation and crisis management training and evaluation."
A Global Brewer
Christine White, Global Director, Business Continuity, Crisis, International Risk Management & Security
"We have partnered with CS&A over the last 10 years to create and build our crisis management response program. They have been an integral partner to make sure our crisis management program has grown and evolved as our business grew across the globe. With CS&A’s expertise, we trained over 150 senior leaders and executives across the organization on an annual basis and received excellent reviews every session. When we had to implement our crisis management process, our leaders were always prepared and met each challenge with confidence and a successful outcome".
Airport Fuel Supply Company
Daniel Tsang, General Manager
"CS&A has been working with AFSC Operations Limited of Hong Kong International Airport since the late ‘90s, providing support to some of our risk and crisis preparedness activities. In recent years, they have designed and managed periodical multi-party airport crisis simulation exercises on our behalf. These exercises have proven to be very beneficial bringing closer cooperation and collaboration among all parties involved. I have always found the CS&A team to be very experienced and professional in the planning, facilitation and evaluation of these events".
Rebecca Lee, Communications Director, AIME
"The depth of experience and expertise of CS&A has allowed Michelin in Africa, India, and Middle East better navigate and be prepared for issues and crisis management. The customized approach CS&A provides to us is greatly appreciated as our region is one of extreme diversity".
Vincent Vanwijnsberghe, Communications Director, EMEA
"CS&A delivered a first-rate crisis training to our Belgian and European leadership teams. Pulling this together was a challenge given the tight timeframe, but the team came through from preparation to execution".
Malta International Airport
Kristina Vassallo Marketing and Brand Development Manager
"CS&A provided valuable training for the key members of the Airport’s crisis team. The simulation exercise served well in triggering important decision making across the various departments, but also in testing our abilities as a group. Dirk and Koen did a great job at facilitating and coordinating the event!"
Louis Dreyfus Commodities
Guy Hogge, Global Sustainability
After many years in their industry, this client asked us to help transition into a new market. From our first conversations to now, our partnership has not only guided them successfully into a new market, but become more successful than ever before.
China Navigation Company
Captain Dave Watkins, Fleet Safety, Security & Environmental Manager
"I would like to thank the CS&A team for their knowledge and guidance concerning the construction of the crisis manual, the training sessions and the advice and monitoring during the actual simulation exercise".
Jones Lang LaSalle Property Consultants
Divya Menon, Internal Communications Manager, Asia Pacific
"Thank you so much for a very valuable and enlightening session! I really enjoyed the video clips, case studies and discussion around crisis communications".
Toy Industries of Europe
Catherine Van Reeth, General Director
"CS&A’s media training was intense and very valuable. It is clear that they thoroughly understand the challenges of a live interview and how one comes across over broadcast media. The down-to-earth feedback was sometimes confrontational but just what we needed".
Danone Nutricia
Thibaut Helleputte, General Manager, Thailand
"The crisis management training and exercise conducted by CS&A International received excellent feedback from our team. It was prepared and delivered very professionally and generated very useful insight and a number of next steps which we must work on to reinforce our crisis resilience".