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“We take a long-term strategic view of crisis resilience using an integrated business contingency framework with our clients.


The research findings are a testament to our innovative solutions in response to our clients’ changing needs.”

CS&A recognised as innovator in reputational risk management in 2023 ALM Pacesetter Research.

February 13, 2023

Why Crisis Leadership Competencies Matter in the Effective Management of a Cyber Crisis

Effective crisis leadership
is more than winning, losing, or finding
the perfect solution in acute and volatile situations

by Caroline Sapriel

This paper examines whether specific leadership competencies are relevant

in a cyber crisis and what it takes to manage one effectively.


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25 Years of Crises in Review:
The Good, The Bad and The Truly Ugly


Available as an audiobook as well as an eBook.

Please, contact us to get a copy.


Commemorating CS&A International’s 25th anniversary, the book chronicles major crisis cases over the last 25 years, one from each year.


Caroline Sapriel and Dirk Lenaerts, partners of CS&A International, draw key lessons from the cases, which are curated to cover a wide range of industry sectors, span various countries and reflect different crisis typology. 

Although the world now is more complex than it was in 1991, the same fundamental crisis communication principles apply. Sapriel and Lenaerts take readers through the years and glean pearls of wisdom from each case such as: When offence is the best defence; Don’t blame one of your own; Denial never pays.

Crisis Management – Tales from the Front Line


Available as an audiobook as well as an eBook.

Please, contact us to get a copy.


Learning From Real Stories Told by Real People. Management: Tales from the Front Line, a unique audiobook, takes a new approach to the topic of crisis communication and management by using storytelling to convey crisis management best practices.

Caroline Sapriel and Dirk Lenaerts, managers of CS&A International, share case studies from around the world to illustrate each of their 10 “commandments” of effective crisis management. Ten chapters and 10 stories add up to 10 essential management lessons you won’t want to miss. Using real-life stories from the front lines, Sapriel and Lenaerts offer listeners valuable communication for a variety of scenario. Sapriel and Lenaerts will guide listeners through 10 crisis management best practices, including: Own up and communicate the problem early on, Don’t try to make what is bad look good, Always be prepared for the worst.

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